The Best of Patrick McGean (Volume 3)
The late Patrick McGean (1946-2019) wrote this piece in October 2018:“To prevent or cause a virus to go dormant, the same oxygen one must supplement with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is the same oxygen organic sulfur transports across the cell membrane. No virus dares to enter, and any virus already on board must leave and go […]
The Best of Patrick McGean (Volume 2)
Up until his death in late 2019, Patrick McGean stimulated critical thinking and provoked controversy by exposing what he perceived to be defective mainstream medical procedures and dangerous pharmaceutical products
Are there Extra Benefits by taking MMS and Organic Sulfur?
Miracle Mineral Solution (more widely known as MMS) is a form of chlorine dioxide that first attracted public attention after its developer, Jim Humble, successfully used it to purify water where malaria was rampant.
Why Farmers Should Stop Using Chemical Fertilizers
During Patrick McGean’s lifetime and tenure as Director of the Cellular Matrix Study, he repeatedly criticized the extensive use of chemical fertilizers for growing food crops on commercial farmland.
The Best of Patrick McGean (Volume 1)
The Best of Patrick McGean’s quotes (Volume 1)
Learn about the importance of oxygen and sulfur from Ed McCabe and Patrick McGean
In this archived Radio RMN interview that was recorded in 2011 and hosted by Rayelan Allan, Ed McCabe (aka Mr. Oxygen) and Patrick McGean (Mr. Sulfur) offered their expert knowledge about the vital roles that oxygen and sulfur play in our health.