In an archived Radio RMN interview that was recorded in 2011 and hosted by Rayelan Allan, Ed McCabe (aka Mr. Oxygen) and Patrick McGean (Mr. Sulfur) offered their expert knowledge about the vital roles that oxygen and sulfur play in our health.
Some of the Questions Addressed During This Podcast:
• How did chemical fertilizers become the mainstay of modern agriculture?
• Does organic sulfur contain additives like other supplements?
• What is the importance of staying hydrated?
• Why are some people allergic to eating dried fruit?
• What role do sulfur amino acids play with our immune system?
• What is necessary to reverse Alzheimer’s?
Ed McCabe is widely known as an international expert on oxygen therapies who has written several best-selling books in the alternative health field, including “Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease” and “Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Therapy for Our Polluted World.”
Interview made available with permission of Radio RMN.