Resist the temptation to consume your prescription medications and dietary supplements at the same time as your organic sulfur beverage. If you engage in this common practice without first heeding my advice, you risk losing most of the health benefits you would derive from taking organic sulfur.

Take a few moments to read and study the ingredient list printed on the packaging labels that are attached to your prescription drug and supplement bottles. Look for key phrases such as inert ingredients, flow agents, or anti-caking agents.
Manufacturers often add magnesium stearate, calcium stearate, or silicon dioxide during production of their pills, powders, and capsules in order to prevent clumping that would jam their machines. While these common ingredients are not considered to pose a health risk when ingested as food, please be advised that their inclusion in some drugs and supplements will block the absorption of organic sulfur into your body when consumed at the same time.

Your dietary supplements and prescription drugs can co-exist with your organic sulfur regimen by following this simple procedure: Wait 30 minutes after drinking your organic sulfur beverage before taking other supplements and medications. Doing so allows sufficient time to pass for organic sulfur to enter your lymphatic system.
If you live in a area where the only source of drinkable water comes from an unfiltered tap, I recommend that you boil your water before mixing in organic sulfur to eliminate chlorine that interferes with the supplement.
With the generational shift toward the heavy use of inorganic fertilizers on commercial farmland, our soil has become depleted of vital nutrients such as sulfur.
Organic Sulfur is actually a crystalline food supplement that, in years past, was naturally abundant in everyday produce and crops like cabbage, broccoli, and garlic. Organic Sulfur never enters our cells. Rather, it enables cell walls to become more permeable so that oxygen can enter easily and start the natural process of cellular detoxification and regeneration.
While Organic Sulfur is an organic formulation of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), not every brand of MSM being sold today can be considered a form of organic sulfur. If you read MSM labels, you may notice that they often contain an anti-caking agent like silicon dioxide that inhibits the uptake of sulfur to your cells.
To obtain optimal results, buy and consume my brand of organic sulfur that is free of artificial additives.
7 Ingredients to Avoid in your Supplements, by FOLONA NUTRITION , November 21, 2020